Creality CR-10s Bed Leveling

What is bed leveling?

Bed leveling is the process of making sure your printer’s build platform is level. This is important because if your platform is not level, your prints will not be level. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most common method is to use a bed leveling probe.

What is meant by Bed leveling in Creality CR-10 S:

There are 3 ways to level the bed on a CR-10s. The first way is called manual leveling and it is done with the knobs located on the back of the printer. The second way is called mesh leveling and it uses a piece of paper to help you level the bed.

The third way is called auto leveling and it uses a probe to detect the height of the bed. We will be discussing how to use the probe in this article.

Creality CR-10s Bed Leveling

Step 1: Finding your probe

The probe can be found inside the printer, near where the filament comes out. It is a small, black tube that has a silver tip on one end.

Step 2: Installing your probe

The probe must be installed in order to use auto leveling. To install the probe, you will need to remove the cover from the printer. Once the cover is removed, you will see a small hole near where the filament comes out. This is where the probe goes.

Step 3: Calibrating your probe

Before you can use your probe to level the bed, it must be calibrated. To calibrate your probe, you will need to print out a calibration cube. Once the calibration cube is printed, place it on the bed and press the Probe button on the printer (it looks like a small pen). The printer will start calibrating the probe. Once it is done, the Probe button will turn green.

Step 4: Leveling the bed

Now that your probe is calibrated, you can use it to level the bed. To do this, you will need to print out a bed leveling grid. Once the bed leveling grid is printed, place it on the bed and press the Bed Leveling button (it looks like a small wrench).

The printer will start leveling the bed. When it is done, the Bed Leveling button will turn green. That’s all there is to it! Your printer’s build platform should now be level.

Why bed leveling is important?

There are a few different reasons why bed leveling is important. The most common reason is that if your platform is not level, your prints will not be level. This can cause problems with the quality of your prints and can even damage your printer.

Another reason:

Another reason why bed leveling is important is because it helps to ensure that your prints are sticking to the build platform. If your platform is not level, then some parts of your print will be sticking to the platform while other parts will be floating in the air. This can cause problems with the quality of your prints and can also lead to them falling off the build platform during printing.

What types of bed leveling are in Creality CR-10 S?

There are two main types of bed leveling: manual and automatic.

Manual bed leveling is the process of manually adjusting the four corners of the build platform until it is level. This can be done with a screwdriver or a bed leveling probe.

Automatic bed leveling is the process of using a bed leveling probe to automatically adjust the Z offset of the printer until the print head is over the center of the build platform. This method is faster and more accurate than manual bed leveling.

How to do creality cr 10s Bed Leveling?

1. Make sure your printer is switched off.

2. Remove the build platform from the printer.

3. Use a screwdriver to adjust the screws on the four corners of the build platform until it is level.

4. Replace the build platform in the printer and make sure it is securely attached.

5. Turn on your printer and go to Settings > Print Settings > Printer Z Offset.

6. Use the bed leveling probe to adjust the printer’s Z offset until the print head is exactly over the center of the build platform.

7. Save your settings and print something!

Bed leveling is important because it helps to ensure that your prints are level and sticking to the build platform. There are two main types of bed leveling: manual and automatic. Manual bed leveling is the process of manually adjusting the four corners of the build platform until it is level.

Automatic bed leveling is the process of using a bed leveling probe to automatically adjust the Z offset of the printer until the print head is over the center of the build platform.


Q: Why is bed leveling important?

A: Bed leveling is important because it helps to ensure that your prints are level and sticking to the build platform.

Q: What types of bed leveling are in Creality CR 10s?

A: There are two main types of bed leveling: manual and automatic.

Q: How often should I level my bed?

A: It’s a good idea to level your bed before each print job. This will help ensure that your prints come out correctly and improve the quality of your prints.

Q: What are the benefits of leveling my bed?

A: There are a few benefits to leveling your bed:

  • It helps ensure that your prints come out correctly.
  • It can improve the quality of your prints.
  • It can help reduce the amount of time it takes to print a model.

Q: How to do Creality CR 10s Bed Leveling?

A: You can do creality cr 10s bed leveling by following these steps:

1. Make sure your printer is switched off.

2. Remove the build platform from the printer.

3. Use a screwdriver to adjust the screws on the four corners of the build platform until it is level.

4. Replace the build platform in the printer and make sure it is securely attached.

5. Turn on your printer and go to Settings > Print Settings > Printer Z Offset.

6. Use the bed leveling probe to adjust the printer’s Z offset until the print head is exactly over the center of the build platform.

7. Save your settings and print something!

Hassan Khan is a leading voice when it comes to the innovative world of additive manufacturing. A mechanical engineer by training, Hassan quickly recognized the transformative potential of 3D printing, diving headfirst into the intricacies of printer design, filament research, and software optimization. At, Hassan shares his profound knowledge, from insightful reviews and tutorials to forward-thinking op-eds that forecast the future of 3D printing. Hassan's commitment goes beyond the written word. Hassan Khan aims to empower every reader, from novices to industry experts, ensuring they make informed decisions in their 3D printing endeavors.


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